Are you interested in Buying, Selling, or Renting real estate in RTP, Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Clayton, Fuquay or Holly Springs North Carolina?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’re in The House Business and we specialize in helping people Buy, Sell, or Rent their next home.

The House Business has Raleigh NC homes for sale. We have several Purchase Plans available including Lease with the Option to Purchase, Rent to Own, and Creative Owner Financing.

We buy houses FAST and can
close in a matter of days.

How Can We Help YOU?

(919) 858-7060

Local Information & Links of Interest

we buy houses over 30 years of trusted local service

Experienced & Local!
Purchased and Sold Over
100 Houses and Managed
Over 450 Tenants!

Learn more about buying a home through the lease option process

Are you interested in investing in single family houses?